Bike Safety Tips

With so many cars on the road, a bike ride is never a leisurely ride because of potential dangers. Have you ever been riding your bike in the street only to have an impatient car driver honk at you or give you little space as they try to pass?

As a driver, have you ever missed seeing a bicyclist riding on the road? Every encounter between a vehicle and a bicycle depends on the mutual level of safety and visibility between the two parties. With very little protection against a car, road safety should be every cyclists’ priority. There are several ways that riders can keep themselves safe while on the road, and it goes beyond just knowing the vehicle code laws. For example:

Gear - Use of high visibility clothing, reflectors, and lights, both in the front and rear of the bicycle, have proven to reduce accidents. Lights that can make you more visible from several hundred feet away are ideal. Helmets must be worn for anyone under 18 but adults should wear them too to protect their heads from injury in an accident.

Speed - Even though you can bike in a lane of traffic, if you are slower than the flow of traffic, use a designated bicycle lane. If one is not available, ride along the right side of the lane. A bicyclist must follow the same rules as a car, which also includes stopping at stop signs, signaling, and following the direction of traffic.

Location - be aware of speeding cars, especially on long stretches of roads where drivers tend to speed up. Intersections are not necessarily the most dangerous areas for a potential accident. The time of day and lack of lighting also plays a big part in how visible a bicyclist is on the road.

Awareness - always be aware of your surroundings and the condition of your bicycle. Riding under the influence of alcohol or drugs can cause just as many injuries in an accident as if you were in a car.

Distractions - Since bicyclists must follow the same rules as vehicles, riders also cannot be distracted with headphones in both ears either. You might miss car honks, cannot hear cars approaching, or be so involved with your music that you fail to pay attention to the road and crash. Ride safe to stay safe!
